The CDC and FDA have approved the emergency use of Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months to 5 years. We are participating in this vaccine rollout and have started offering clinics to get our patients vaccinated.
We have opted to offer the Moderna vaccine. The Moderna vaccine is a two-shot regimen rather than the three shot Pfizer regimen. It has a wider age range and can be offered to 6-month-old through five years of age (so if your child is 5 and 10 months, they can get the Moderna vaccine). The Moderna vaccine also offers some protection as early as 6 weeks after the first dose. Neither vaccine is perfect in keeping infants and children from becoming infected with COVID, but both help to protect against more severe cases of COVID. The vaccines also help reduce viral infection rates, hopefully delaying future mutations. There were NO cases of myocarditis with either vaccine in these age groups in the studies performed.
We will be having stand-alone clinics to give the COVID-19 vaccine. It is a two-shot series with the second dose four to eight weeks after the first. We will be giving it seven weeks after the first dose as this series timing showed a slightly decreased risk of side effects with longer efficacy and antibody response. At this time, we will not be giving it concomitantly with other vaccines, and we will not be administering it during routine physicals. Please be aware that there will be up to a 15-to-30-minute observation period in the office after the vaccination administration as per CDC guidelines.
If possible, please fill out the paperwork required for us to administer the vaccine before your visit. The link to this paperwork is found here
We support the AAP, ACIP, CDC, and FDA guidance on recommending the COVID-19 vaccination for infants and children. We have reviewed the science and will continue to review the science on these vaccines. We look forward to being able to serve our youngest patients by offering the COVID-19 vaccine. Please call the office to make your vaccine appointment.